Sunday, 21 October 2012

Some JOKES<<<<<<<<>>>>


Science Teacher: Who can tell me what an atom is?
Student: The guy who went out with Eve!

Who is your best friend at school?
Your princi-pal!

Why did the Cyclops stop teaching?
Because he only had one pupil!

Why was the students report card all wet?
Because it was below C level!

What do you get when you cross a parrot with a centipede?
A walkie talkie!

What is the strongest animal?
A snail. He carries his house on his back!

What do you call a gorilla wearing earmuffs?
Anything you like, it can't hear you!

What did the duck say when he bought lipstick?
Put it on my bill!

Man 1: After buying this new hearing aid, I am able to hear something two blocks away.
Man 2: Cool, how much did it cost?
Man 1: The time is three past ten.

Dad's writes on son's Facebook wall: "Dear Son, How are you? All are fine here. We miss you a lot. Please!! TURN OFF THE COMPUTER & COME DOWN FOR DINNER!!!

Doctor to a rich man: Do you prefer a local anesthesia?
Rich man: I would rather prefer an imported one.

Doctor: Have you ever fainted before?
Patient: Yes, the last time you told me your fees.

Wife to her husband: Wake up. Some thieves have broken into our house. I think they are now eating the food I made last night.
Husband: Oh! Let's better call the ambulance then.

Girl: Mom, today the teacher beat me for something that I didn't do.
Mother: That's very bad of your teacher. What was it that you didn't do? Girl: The homework.

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